Friday Classes:


Wildcard - Slam Poetry: (Anna Plummer & Tasha Ashmutat)
With the new Wildcard coming this year - learn the expectations, format, rules, and ballot for Slam Poetry and how to find, analyze, cut/edit, or write a selection. Students will take a deep dive into a poem and learn hidden meanings, adapt to fit a theme, find their expressive voice, weave multiple poems together, and prepare a piece for competition.

Unlocking Apologetics (Apol 1): (Luis Garcia & Allisha Speed)
Knowing what you believe and why you believe it is important for a Christian. Apologetics helps us identify our core beliefs and understand God’s purposes. Learn how to tackle this subject through research, Biblical study, and developing Apologetic cards.

Make your Platform Sparkle: (Dovey Elliot & Taryn Murphy)
Want to make your Platform Speech sparkle? Learn techniques to dazzle your judges with a lasting impression performance.

The Digital Cut: (Anna Plummer)
Learn to cut and prepare your Interp with free online digital tools. Learn the step-by-step process of digitizing text, highlighting, and compiling pages.

Exceptional Content (Apol 2): (Allisha Speed & Luis Garcia)
Content is key. What qualifies as good content? What makes your content stand out? Through drills and practice, learn how to give well-developed answers to the Apologetics questions.


Introduction to Debate: (Colleen Enos)
In this class, we will explore the larger topic of what debate is, where it began, and its importance to life. We will discuss the ethics of sound debate and briefly introduce the goals of the different types of debate.

What is an Argument?: (Danny Lyda)
In this class we will look at what is and what is not an argument. Several different structures of arguments will be discussed which will help you form better and more complete arguments in your rounds.

Cross Ex: (Larry Sparks)
This class will cover topics to improve your cross-ex skills. Drills and other helpful techniques will be discussed.

Why Values Matter: (Wayne Johnson)
In this class we will look at the core of Lincoln Douglas debate, values. Values are everything when it comes to LD debate. They are the key to a strong case and it is critical that the debater understands the purpose and use of values to master this form of debate.

Advanced Topics in TP: (Ty Harding)
This lecture will provide a brief overview of the history of TP theory and include practical instruction in how to run theory arguments.

TP Resolution Discussion: (Katie Herche)
This lecture will provide background information for the 2024-2035 resolution “Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reform its policy on healthcare.”

LD Resolution 1 Discussion: (Ty Harding & Larry Sparks)
This lecture will discuss philosophical issues relating to the fall resolution “The acquisition of knowledge is an intrinsic good.” and will discuss knowledge in general and include case ideas and negative strategies

Special Sessions Offered by our Sponsors:

Leveraging Speech and Debate in Professional Development:
Provided by Grand Canyon University

Saturday Classes:


Advanced Interps: (Win Heggem & Anna Plummer)
Calling-All experienced interpreters…this class will challenge students to maximize their interp skills. Mrs. Heggem has coached hundreds of winning speeches and will elevate your next piece.

Dynamic Delivery (Apol 3): (Luis Garcia & Allisha Speed)
Learn how to deliver a memorable Apologetic speech that can both excel in competition and be used conversationally outside of competition.

Expos Extraordinaire: (Ralina Ankrum & Sue Danielson)
Learn how to take your passion and develop it into a compelling and visually engaging message alongside blocking and movements that display a fluid choreography between the student and props.

From Esoteric to Easy: Making Extemp Approachable: (Dovey Elliot & Matthew Shipley)
You’d like to participate in Extemp, but it seems unapproachable. Hear ideas on how to write a card, use your prep time, what sources to use, etc. Leave ready to participate in Extemp this year and encourage others to do it with you!

Mars Hill Workshop - Exceptional Speeches with the New Titles: (Sue Danielson, Matthew Wright & Micah Jacobs)
Learn how to craft a Mars Hill speech using the new titles to speak to a world that desperately needs satisfying answers.

Speech Roundtable: (Speech Commitee)
Spend some time with members of Stoa's Speech Committee to ask questions and get insight into our various Speech events.


TP Resolution Discussion: (Katie Herche)
This lecture will provide additional background information for the 2024-2035 resolution “Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reform its policy on healthcare.”

LD Resolution Discussion: (Wayne Johnson)
This lecture will discuss philosophical issues relating to the resolution “Resolved: In U.S. law enforcement, accountability ought to be prioritized over effectiveness.” Background information potential aff and neg case strategies will be discussed.

Parli Strategies: (Colleen Enos)
This class will examine some of the strategies unique to the parliamentary form of debate. Both prep time strategies and in round strategies will be examined in this class.

Stock Issues vs Net Benefits: (Maggie Carabelos)
(Coming soon)

LD Resolution Discussion: (Colleen Enos)
This lecture will discuss philosophical issues relating to the resolution “Resolved: Mandatory national service is justified.” Background information potential aff and neg case strategies will be discussed.

Advanced Topics in Lincoln Douglas Debate: (Danny Lyda)
(Coming Soon)

Shell & Extend: (Ty Harding)
An exploration of splitting the neg with an emphasis on shell and extend as a practical strategy in contemporary debate practice.

Debate Roundtable: (Debate Committee)
Meet with members of the debate committee for a time of Q&A. Bring your questions and we will do our best to answer them.

Special Sessions Offered by our Sponsors:


Note: Classes are subject to change according to the needs of Stoa Family Academy scheduling